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Paola S. Aguayo Alvarado

I am Paola S. Aguayo, an undergraduate student at the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey. Currently, I am in my fourth year in the baccalaureate program of Psychology and Community Mental Health. My future goal is to pursue doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology. I work as a research assistant to Dr. López de Victoria. I joined the "Resilience and Help-Seeking by and for the Elderly"  project in 2019 through an interdisciplinary course. During this project, I learned some basic concepts of qualitative research, such as interviewing, transcription, coding, and the process of writing a manuscript. In the summer of 2021, I returned to the project, collaborating in the creation of the project's social networks, such as the Facebook page and the website. Through social networks, we hope to provide you with valuable information on comprehensive health in the population of older adults and caregivers.

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Krystal Colon Rivera

I am Krystal Colón Rivera. I have a bachelor's degree in Sociology with a double concentration in General Psychology from the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey. Currently, I am a graduate student in the School Psychology Doctoral Program at the UPR Mayagüez Campus. Since Summer 2019, I have been a research assistant in the projects, Resilience and Helpseeking and Negotiating Dementia Care. My research interests lie in the areas of Early childhood cognitive development in play, motivation in athletes, social support, behavior, and learning in early childhood.

Dr. Patria López de Victoria Rodríguez

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I am Dr. Patria López de Victoria; I received my Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) in Applied Linguistics. Currently, I am an associate professor in the Department of English at the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey. My focus in Applied Linguistics is in the field of Health and Aging. As a researcher, my interests are in the areas of language, health, aging, and mixed methods.

I have been the principal investigator of several studies: Dementia in the Countryside, Tell me about María: Experiences lived post-disaster, and Resilience and Helpseeking in Health and Illness by and for the elderly. Currently, I am the principal investigator in the project, Negotiating Dementia Care in Networks of Care in Puerto Rico.

I have also collaborated with other researchers in Puerto Rico and the United States, with whom I have published several papers and research presentations.

I am an active member of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Latin American Studies Association (LASA), the Society of Linguistic Anthropology (SLA), and the American Anthropological Association (AAA).

María L. Santos Pagán

Soy María Libertad Santos Pagán. Tengo un bachillerato en Ciencia Política y una maestría en Administración Pública con especialidad en Gobierno y Política Pública de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras. He trabajado como Asistente de Investigación en el Centro de Investigaciones Sociales y en el Laboratorio de Climatología del Recinto de Río Piedras de la UPR. Actualmente, me desempeño como Auxiliar de Investigaciones en el Instituto de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias de la UPR en Cayey brindando apoyo en el proyecto, Gestionando Atención y Cuidado Médico para Personas con Demencia. Mis intereses de investigación son gobierno abierto, municipios y redes sociales en la gestión pública; desarrollo sostenible, salud y educación.

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